音の感覚:音楽と我々の関係の再確認 / Sound Sense reevaluating our relationship with music








ビデオリンク – 2023年度 東京大学アーカイブ: https://vimeo.com/841483796


Sound Sense: Reevaluating our relationship with music (2023)

The main purpose of this course is to help participants towards a more critical analysis of music and its role in society. It focuses on nonspecialists because of the common tendency to evaluate a piece of music solely on its emotional
impact, separating it from context, purpose, structure and other underlying elements. The design of this course aims to involve participants both intellectually and practically in lively interactions, during which the review of personal preferences and opinions will form an important core to the discussions. The content reaches across many different disciplines, including linguistics, physiology, anthropology,
neuroscience, history, cultural studies etc., and in so doing, reflects the contribution music makes to societal cohesion.

During this year’s course (2023) participants showed a high level of commitment and willingness to explore new concepts. They understood and appreciated fully the systematic method by which the topic was presented over a series of 13 sessions, and their accumulation of new knowledge was consistently incremental. They demonstrated this particularly in their practical application of new concepts across a varied range of group activities.

Benefits were not limited to their acquisition of knowledge about music alone. Prior to their attendance, the students had no previous knowledge of each other. By the end of the course, they had formed a cohesive group with, many of them planning future actives together.

Particularly noteworthy, is that one of the participants applied to join the course at the specific recommendation of one of the previous attendees.

It was a pleasure to work together with such an articulate, reflective, and engaging cohort of young people who were eager for new knowledge.

It is customary in such programmes to neglect the contribution the venue itself makes to the effectiveness of the exchange between participants. In this instance, the space enabled the organisation and delivery of the content in a much more varied and flexible format, without impinging upon any other programmes in adjoining buildings; an essential and often overlooked requirement. The students benefitted from both its intimacy, and its practicality.

Video link – Todai 2023 Activities: https://vimeo.com/841483796

Michael Spencer. 5 June 2023




東京大学3、4年生、大学院生(様々な専攻から) 30~40名



執筆者:内山 恵美里(東京大学大学院 教育学研究科 岡田猛研究室 学術専門職員) / Michael Spencer
